Capitol Connection: October 2023
(Web) Capitol Connections_10.11.23

October 2023

Help IEC Freedom Fund Fight the Administrative State

The number of proposed rules, rulings and final rules released by the Biden administration in late summer that stand to benefit big labor at the expense of the merit shop are numerous with more on the way. From the proposed Union Walkaround Rule, to the final Davis-Bacon rewrite to the establishment of de facto Card Check guidelines, there’s no denying the administrative state is after merit shop contractor in attempt to bolster and embolden unions. Even the proposed rules outlining the Inflation Reduction Act’s apprenticeship and prevailing wage requirements includes a carve out for Project Labor Agreements. And that’s not to mention that we still await the release of the PLA mandate on government construction projects. Each proposal is open for legal challenge, but IEC can’t engage without the necessary resources. Help the only association that exclusively represents the merit shop electrical contracting industry and sponsor the IEC Freedom Fund today!

Short Survey -- Tell IEC How the Proposed Overtime Rule Would Impact You

The Department of Labor is looking to significantly increase the threshold for which companies must pay overtime to their non-exempt employees. IEC needs your help in understanding the impact the proposal to increase the minimum salary threshold for overtime eligibility under the Fair Labor Standards Act from $35,568 to as high as $60,000 per year would have on your operation. We hope you’ll take a moment to complete this short, six-question survey. IEC continues to work with the business community to push back on the proposal and recently requested a 60-day extension to the November 7 comment deadline.

2023 IEC Freedom Fund Sponsors







IEC Atlanta/Georgia

CenTex IEC

IEC Rocky Mt

IEC Florida West Coast

IEC San Antonio

IEC Ft. Worth/Tarrant Co.

DPS Infrastructure Monitoring Systems

IEC Greater Cincinnati

IEC Texas Gulf Coast

IEC Northern New Mexico

Lakey Electric

Larcon Electric

Streb Electric

Baker Brothers Electric

Innovatis Group

Kent Systems

Progressive Technologies

Travis Electric

Williams Electric
Want to see your chapter or company on this list? Become a Freedom Fund Patriot Sponsor by donating online today!
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