Contributing to IEC PAC is a way to show your personal support for IEC's government affairs efforts. In order to contribute to IEC PAC, you must first complete the PAC Authorization form.
What is IEC PAC?
IEC PAC is IEC’s political action committee, which contributes funds to candidates running for federal office. IEC PAC is IEC's primary vehicle for political involvement, helping to keep the interests of the electrical and systems contracting industry at the forefront of the Congressional agenda.
Who Oversees IEC PAC’s Activities?
IEC PAC is governed by IEC’s PAC-PEF Committee, comprised of IEC members from across the country. The Committee oversees IEC PAC’s fundraising activities, financials, and its contributions to candidates.
Who Does IEC PAC Contribute to?
IEC PAC predominantly contributes to pro-growth, pro-business, pro-merit shop candidates for Congress.
Who May Contribute to IEC PAC?
Any senior executive and administrative personnel of an IEC member company may contribute to IEC PAC at any time.
What Source of Funds Does IEC PAC Accept?
IEC PAC may only accept contributions from an individual’s personal funds. The contributions may not come from a member’s business, may not be expensed, and are not tax deductible.
Who Can be Solicited fora Contribution to IEC PAC?
IEC cannot specifically ask for a contribution until one senior executive within an IEC member company signs a prior approval form, also known as a PAC authorization form. An individual may proactively contribute to the PAC on their own, without having signed a PAC authorization form.
What is a Prior Approval Form, Also Known as a PAC Authorization Form?
This is a form required of all trade associations whose membership consists of corporate members. IEC may not solicit funds from members that have not completed this form. This requirement is governed by the Federal Elections Commission.
How much can an IEC member contribute to IEC PAC?
An IEC member may contribute a maximum of $5,000 in a calendar year
PAC Authorization Form
What is the Prior Approval or PAC Authorization Form?
Before the senior executive or administrative personnel of an IEC member company can be solicited for a contribution to IEC PAC, one senior executive in that company must first complete a Prior Approval or PAC Authorization. Once the form is signed, any executive or administrative personnel within the company may be solicited for a contribution to IEC PAC.
Does Signing the PAC Authorization Obligate an IEC Member to Contribute to IEC PAC?
No. By law, no individual within a company that is PAC authorized is obligated to donate to IEC PAC.
Why Does a Member Company Have to Sign the PAC Authorization Form Before Being Solicited by IEC PAC?
The requirement to sign the PAC Authorization form is required for all trade associations that are comprised of corporate members as defined by the Federal Elections Commission. The requirement was put in place at the urging of unions as a “speed bump” or limitation to business associations political fundraising efforts.
Does the PAC Authorization Expire?
Yes. IEC members and chapters that sign the form can choose to be PAC Authorized for up to five years. The organization must renew the authorization for as many years as it desires, with five years being the maximum.
Are there other benefits to becoming PAC Authorized?
Yes. Each IEC chapter and member company that signs the PAC Authorization form will receive IEC’s PAC newsletter, IEC Insider. Also, each chapter will get credit toward the IEC National Advocacy Award for