Workforce Development

IEC strongly believes in building a resilient and prepared workforce that can adapt to changing economic times and bolster the electrical and systems contracting industry. To accomplish this goal, IEC reaches out to various audiences to create relationships and provide education about the electrical industry.

IEC electrical apprentices earn a great wage while working on exciting projects with a contracting company during the day and enhancing their on-the-job learning with IEC instruction in the classroom.

Continuing Education for Electricians

A knowledgeable, prepared, and efficient workforce is developed through a strong continuing education program. IEC offers many courses and programs aimed at keeping our members up-to-date on the latest in technology, best practices, and innovation.

Veteran Outreach

Veterans looking for a new career are encouraged to pursue a rewarding career in the high-demand electrical industry...IEC Wants You! 

IEC proudly works with organizations like Explore the Trades, Hire A Hero, National Guard Employment Programs, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and others to help veterans ease their transition into the workforce. IEC programs include many veterans with some chapters training as many as 50 apprentices who previously served in the military.

Youth Outreach

The youth of today are the future of tomorrow’s electrical industry. It is crucial that today's children not only take an interest in sciences but also realize all the benefits of learning a trade.

In an effort to keep youth engaged in these subjects, IEC is actively involved in two youth programs: SkillsUSA and 4-H. Additionally, many chapters have their own youth development organizations in which they volunteer.


SkillsUSA is a youth program dedicated to ensuring the U.S. has a skilled workforce. This program is aimed at high school and college students who are preparing for a career in a trade or other skilled service occupation. Each year, those involved in SkillsUSA compete within their focus area.

Industry Motor Controls Competition

IEC has been involved with SkillsUSA for more than 20 years and currently hosts the Motor Controls competition. 

Students demonstrate their knowledge of electrical principles, equipment, and industry codes and standards as it relates to the design and installation of motor control systems. Students demonstrate their skills and abilities in applying that knowledge by properly installing motor control equipment and associated enclosures, raceways, pilot devices, and circuitry in accordance with accepted industry practice and National Electric Code requirements.

  • Written and math exam
  • Troubleshooting activity
  • Conduit Bending (2 bends)
  • Ladder Logic Diagram
  • Interview and Resume Review
  • Motor Control Problem/Project

SkillsUSA awards the top three winners in the secondary and post-secondary groups. The prizes and materials are donated by many of IEC’s industry partners.

For more information on SkillsUSA, visit


4-H is the nation’s largest youth development program and actively promotes science, leadership, and citizenship. IEC has been working closely with 4H for several years and encourages members and chapters to participate with their local 4-H by donating supplies or their time.

Donate materials

 4-H works very hard to keep program costs to a minimum. Donating materials could make 4-H more affordable for more youth.

Teach 4-H Volunteer Leaders

Some higher-level projects can’t be offered to 4-H’ers if they don’t have an adult with the technical knowledge to lead the project.

Show Off Your Business

Allow 4-H’ers to tour your business, job shadow, or learn about what you do. Exposing young people to a career they may not know about will help draw new talent to our industry.

Encourage Excellence

Offer an award for 4-H’ers who earn blue ribbons on levels two, three, or four electricity projects. It can be a savings bond, a small gift card, or a hand tool.

Help with Judging Projects

Become a Volunteer Project Leader

After the completion of a criminal and child abuse screening process, lead a project at your local 4-H to encourage youth to pursue careers in the trades.

Learn more at