Capitol Connection: February 2024
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February 2024

Help IEC Draft Comments on Apprenticeship Rule

The Department of Labor is proposing to revamp the Registered Apprenticeship system that could threaten IEC’s program. Your feedback is needed to help IEC National craft comments pushing back on the proposed rule. To assist with this, IEC National has created a document that addresses areas it believes to be especially problematic and needs insight on how these provisions could impact your company or chapter.

House Passes IEC-Supported Tax Bill

Late last month Congress passed tax legislation that included tax provisions of importance to the construction industry. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act (H.R. 7024) would:

  • Permit the writing off research and development expenses in the year they are incurred, as opposed to over a five-year period,
  • Reinstates the complete expensing for new and used business equipment that allows for the full deduction of those costs in the year the equipment is placed in service.
  • Simplifies tax preparation by increasing the threshold at which businesses must issue certain informational tax returns (1099’s) to independent contractors, from $600 to $1000.

The bill now goes to the Senate, where the timing of a vote is unclear. Visit the IEC Action Center and urge your senators to support this legislation.

Save the Date!


Save the date for the IEC Policy Conference taking place June 10 - 12, 2024 in Washington, DC. More information to come!


View the highlights from last year's event by clicking here.  

Help Bolster the IEC Freedom Fund in 2024!

Thanks to all members and chapters that sponsored the Freedom Fund in 2023! With an administration that keeps enacting policies that negatively impact the merit shop, IEC will continue to need a strong Freedom Fund to help educate members, as well as fight these proposals. IEC hopes you’ll join its sponsorship list in 2024, which can be done by clicking here.

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IEC Insider is the monthly newsletter that will keep you in the know in the world of politics in Washington. IEC PAC is IEC's vehicle for supporting pro-business and pro-merit shop candidates for federal office. In order to receive this newsletter, you need only complete a quick online form which will permit IEC to tell you more about the PAC and enables you and senior executives from your company to contribute to IEC’s political efforts.

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