Capitol Connection: December 2023
(Web) Capitol Connections_12.13.23

December 2023

IEC Chapters Sign Letters Opposing Joint Employer Standard

As IEC continues to work with the Coalition to Save Local Business in opposition to the recent joint employer standard issued by the National Labor Relations Board, IEC chapters joined letters targeting specific congressional delegations. The coalition targeted select states, including Arizona, Montana, North Carolina, and North Dakota, with letters in support of Congressional Review Act resolutions of disapproval that, if passed and signed by the president, would completely invalidate the rule. The new standard jeopardizes the contractor-subcontractor relationship. IEC will continue to work to reverse or modify this harmful policy.

House Committee Considers Legislation Overturning Biden Labor Policies

The same committee before which IEC testified in May, held a hearing today on three bills that would reverse harmful policies the Biden administration is seeking to enact through rule making. The House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions discussed the Employee Rights Act (ERA) (H.R. 2700), which, among other things, would ensure a secret ballot in union elections, the Modern Worker Empowerment Act (H.R. 5513), which addresses independent contractors status and the Save Local Business Act (H.R. 2826), which reverses the new joint employer standard. IEC joined a coalition letter in support of these bills, which can be found here.

Workforce Legislation Advances Out of Committee

This week the Education and the Workforce Committee passed two workforce development bills: H.R. 6585, Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act and H.R. 6655, A Stronger Workforce for America Act. The first would permit students to use Pell funding for short-term programs to move into a job quickly, similar to the IEC-supported JOBS Act and PELL Act. The latter would provide much needed updates and improvements to strengthen the WIOA system. Each bill must now be passed by the full House before being advanced for Senate consideration.

2023 IEC Freedom Fund Sponsors







CenTex IEC

IEC Atlanta/Georgia

IEC Florida West Coast

IEC Rocky Mt

IEC San Antonio

IEC Ft. Worth/Tarrant Co.

DPS Infrastructure Monitoring Systems

IEC Greater Cincinnati

IEC Texas Gulf Coast

Lakey Electric

Larcon Electric

Northern New Mexico IEC

Streb Electric

1st Electric

Baker Brothers Electric

Esposito's Electric

Innovatis Group

Kent Systems

Progressive Technologies, Inc.

Travis Electric

Williams Electric

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