IEC's Response to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

Arlington, VA, August 19, 2022 - The following is a statement by the Independent Electrical Contractors (IEC) is in response to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council’s release of the proposed rule implementing President Biden’s Executive Order 14063.  

“Yesterday’s release of the proposed rule seeking that seeks to impose project labor agreements on all federal projects valued at $35 million or more is an afront to IEC’s merit shop electrical contractor members and their highly skilled workforce that freely chooses not to join a union,” said Jason Todd, IEC’s vice president of government affairs.  

“The proposed rule not only seeks to discriminate against the 87% of construction workers that do not belong to a union, but will only exacerbate our country’s record high inflation by limiting competition, all while limiting the ability of small construction firms, that are often minority and women-owned, from partnering with the federal government.” 

“IEC will continue to advocate against policies that limit free and open competition for federal construction contracts and unnecessarily increases costs to the American taxpayer.” 


IEC National is a nonprofit trade association federation with 50 educational campuses and affiliate IEC local chapters across the country.  IEC represents over 3,600 member businesses throughout the United States and educates over 10,000 electricians and systems professionals each year through world-class training programs.  IEC contractor member companies are responsible for over $8.5B in gross revenue annually and are composed of some of the premier firms in the industry. For more information, go to  


Mikayla Hrinowich | Publicist |